As the PRHS class of 2018 stands at the end of their hometown schooling, it’s the perfect vantage point to reflect not only on the road to come, but the path the led to where they are today. It winds not just through the halls of the thousands building and the quad, but through Flamson and Georgia Brown, and to the fairy tales that lulled us to sleep in our infancy. These stories captured our young imaginations, taking us to worlds beyond what we had ever seen. Yet, they are also laden with meaning, wisdom from medieval times, that we can appreciate in maturity. The duality of the fairy tale–the colorful fantastic world we see in youth and the centuries-old wisdom we see in maturity–is a good reflection of the crossroads between childhood and adulthood that graduates will find themselves at. As we celebrate some of the truly fantastic and exceptional members of the senior class, we thought we might look back to some of these old tales. And as graduates take their solemn wisdom and education on to the other side of the bridge to adulthood, fairy tales might just remind them not to leave a little magic behind.
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