How Eagles Club Soccer and Madrid has helped bearcats
[dropcap size=small]F[/dropcap]eet thumping fast against the ground, hearts racing, sweat dripping, get the ball and pass it to your teammate or make the goal. Hours upon hours have led up to this. All for the glory of winning a game. This is what Atiana Stratman, Jorge Magdonal, David Gonzales and Rusty Cohen go through at their games.

Stratman, Cohen and Magdonal play soccer all year with Eagles Club soccer, Gonzales is the captain of the soccer team and plays volleyball in the spring and is on Madrid club soccer.
Freshman, Cohen has been playing soccer for five years. On a scale of one to ten, Cohen ranks sports as a ten on importance in his life. It helps him with his time management.
“I like to get out of the house and not just sit around and do nothing,” Cohen, left back, said on why he joined Club soccer, “I would recommend others join.”
Sophomore Stratman has been playing soccer since she was five. On a scale of one to ten, Stratman rated sports a nine on how important they are to her life.
“I really love the sport (soccer) and I wanted to do something bigger with it than just play once a year,” Stratman said on why she joined Eagles Club soccer.
Playing sports year round has taught Stratman time management and taught her how to work better with others.
“It’s kind of like having a job,” Stratman laughed, “You have to learn to juggle sports with with everything else that goes on in your life.”

Sophomore Magdonal played soccer since he was three years old and on a team for four years. He loves the idea of meeting new people, this drew him to Eagles Soccer club. It helps him get to know people and make friends. On a scale of one to ten, Magdonal ranked sports as an eight on importance in his life.
“[Club Soccer] helps me be more social, be a better player and be an all around better person,” Magdonal said. “I would definitely recommend joining the club because it keeps you fit and helps you meet new people.”
Sophomore, Gonzales had been playing soccer since he was five years old and is currently the captain of the soccer team, and he has been playing volleyball since he was four. On a scale of one to ten, Gonzales ranked sports a ten on importance in his life.
“It’d be a ten because its productive and it keeps me active so I’m not just sitting at home not doing anything,” Gonzales said.
Gonzales plans to use his “athletic stardom” to help him get into college and encourages others to play sports for this perk as well.
On average, Magdonal, Cohen, Stratman and Gonzales practice at least ten hours a week.

Eagles Club Sports and Madrid Club Sports gives you many advantages in life, according to these players. From just staying fit to college, playing sports is to your benefit.