Using a new list of criteria, the school district has made reduced schedules harder to obtain. The new rules beforehand were simple: students had to have all of their required classes taken in history, math, science, P.E., and English. Now, new requirements face students. The new requirements that have been enforced are to have a score of three or better on the CAASPP Math and English Language Arts Test, a score of three or better on the CAST Science Test, be on track for A-G Completion, be on track to complete a CTE course, and be on track to complete twelve units of a Cuesta/Dual-Enrollment course. As the new requirement seems like too much to accomplish only for one class period to be taken off, only three of the six criteria must be met to obtain a reduced schedule.

Students have mixed opinions on these changes. Senior Brandon England, who enjoys a reduced schedule, said that, “The staff should still have those requirements because a reduced day is a reward, it helps students get their grades up and decompress”.

Meanwhile Senior Brooklyn Holloway-Escalante believes that, “The upcoming Seniors are probably just better off having an extra period than trying to go through all the barriers that the admin have put up” .
However these new requirements that are being set are very beneficial for later in life as it helps motivate students to strive harder in their education to obtain the reduced schedule “We aren’t trying to to get rid of this privilege entirely, although we do want to make sure students are putting forth their best effort to obtain this privilege” said Principal Fletcher. These changes aren’t removing reduced days entirely, but instead aiming to better students’ futures in the long run.