Mock Rock was recently postponed due to a lack of participating groups. Why is this behavior prevalent in events such as this one?
Dazzling lights, murmuring shadows, and a beating heart- yet Mock Rock is having trouble beating the odds to keep a tradition alive. Bearcats seem to be more timid participating in school events such as Mock Rock. That begs the question: Why aren’t Bearcats willing to perform? The answer lies in commitment as highlighted by teachers and students.
Bearcats had an opportunity to perform in a contest to win prizes. They got the option to lip sync or perform a “mock” performance or perform a professional, thought-out one instead.

Because of COVID, we haven’t been able to [put so many] people in the gym for an event like that.
Jennifer Bedrosian

Bedrosian recounts the time she attended the event saying how they had 10 groups that performed including sports teams, programs, a couple clubs, and even solo acts. In recent years, the numbers dwindled, and this year only had four solid participants signed up.
Bearcats need to be more committed to a cause. Commitment is the root to all things great; great athletes such as Michael Jordan to great minds such as Einstein. Many people think mastery starts with the first hour of practice but it actually starts with the willingness to keep the practice going for hours, days, months, and more. Current Mock Rock participants contain said commitment as seen by their willingness to stay in the competition.
Mock Rock is an event where students compete with each other with a song, dance, or skill to win a prize. It has been a staple in the high school for quite some time thanks to ASB coordinator Jennifer Bedrosian. However, 2019 was the last year that the high school hosted Mock Rock. This year’s Mock Rock event has been pushed back leading to groups pushing their performances back such as the Dance class postponing their performance until May.

Senior cheerleader Adriana Aguilar is a person of commitment, making time for sports, clubs, and extracurriculars. One such commitment being Mock Rock and her cheer team. Aguilar ascribes commitment to organization.
“I try to spread my time out and try to make sure that when I commit to something I know that I’m not interfering with something else.” said Aguilar,”I have a calendar at home and I put sticky notes of my schedule.”
Senior Gabe Olivo is a performer and player who considered Mock Rock, but couldn’t due to time and commitment. He attributes the drop in participation to four things: a lack of time, lack of commitment, the chemistry in a group, and stage fright. Numbers dwindle from at least one of these four things, said Olivo.
“…You see a good amount of commitment issues…[and] It’s been prevalent in Cuesta Winds…[one by one] the [members] leave without any warning or anything at all.” Olivo said

The four contributors to a lack of participation are true, yet they all dwindle into the lack of commitment category.
On the contrary to Olivo’s contributors, Bedrosian says commitment is the only factor inhibiting a performer.
”I think you can make time for anything that you want to make time for…[it’s] a choice for me. You’re only going to do [something] with people that you like…so your chemistry is there. I could see stage fright [being a reason], but when you’re with your friends, being goofy comes a lot easier.”

Covid-19 was an experience that inhibited many people’s lives, especially students’ attention to commitment. “The number of students tested decreased by approximately 6 percent from 2019 to 2022 and varied by grade level,” – PACE (Policy Analysis for California Education). Bedrosian hopes this lack of commitment will fade with time.
There’s still time
Bedrosian has stated that she will postpone the Mock Rock event until March or February or a possible later date to hopefully gain more attention for students to participate and this plan will work. With more traction and advertising, Mock Rock will reach student hearts and minds which will then lead them to participate in the event. Mock Rock is separated into two categories; one for the Mock and one for the Rock. Seeing this category distinction, Mock Rock will surely increase in student participation.