Super Senior Bekah Premenko spreads her passions for Christ, soccer, and theater like fire during her 4 years at PRHS
by Rayvin Wulfing
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it is with great pleasure and honor to present to you a very special act today. With immense talent and a burning passion for God, family, soccer, and theater, I present to you…suuuuuper senior….BEKAH PREMENKO!
Walking the physical and digital halls of PRHS, Premenko has left a noticeable impression on her peers and teachers during her four years. On stage, on the field, or in front of 20 plus FCA club members inside of a classroom, Premeko has pulled off a daring flaming act of conviction that would torch the common mortal.
“Bekah is one of the most caring and hard working people I know, she is kind to everyone and an amazing friend. She cares immensely about school and her friends and her extra curricular activities, and is somehow able to juggle them all perfectly to where she makes time for everything,” said senior Jillian Root, a friend of Premenko’s.
If you were to list Bekah Premenko’s passions in order of importance, it would be God, family, soccer, school and theater — and she is indeed a woman of fiery priorities. Premenko has served as a glowing president of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes club (FCA) for two years and as a member since her freshman year she “has displayed great leadership for the organization over the past couple of years,” said the advisor of the FCA club, Matt Drake. “Her faith, and faithfulness to the club, have both shone brightly under some difficult circumstances. She is a leader inside and outside the club and has the
respect of many students and staff. Premenko will be missed by many as she departs PRHS for the next chapter in her life,” he said.
Premenko has been burned with conviction also for three years in the Drama Club, Friday Night Live club for two years (VP during senior year), Wilderness Club for two years, Crimson Crew for four years, Young Life Club for one year, and Life Savers Club for 1 year.
Diving deeper into the fiery pit of passions that embody Premenko’s world, we now step onto grassy soccer field you can imagine burned with Premenko’s black cleat prints. She has played soccer for an astounding 14 years, and has played all four years of highschool (JV for one and Varsity for three). She was captain of the school soccer team her senior year and helped lead her team to earn 3rd place in league, and qualify for CIF.
Premenko’s “other world,” as she likes to call it –the theater– is another venue lit by her presence. Premenko has been in the Theater Department since her freshman year and is now finishing with two years of Advanced Drama. She has glowed in the lights of seven shows on and off stage, as either a performer or stage technician. Premenko enjoys being on stage but also finds herself with “a love for the Costume Crew.” Her favorite show was Puffs 2019, which from beginning to end, including memorizing lines, rehearsals, and anything else burned up over 200 hours in order to perfect her breathtaking performance.
A copious amount of shows has allowed Premenko to grow a confident and “bolder personality,” she admits.
“I do think theater has really impacted the way my brain works and even my personality. If you ever met me, I would say I am pretty approachable. Freshman year I was not that bold nor did I have the social skills to be that way,” Premenko said.
Her beloved drama teacher Marcy Goodnow has also been an inspiration, teaching her to be confident in herself, even when she doesn’t believe she is capable.
“I have been lucky enough to see Bekah grow into an incredible young woman. She came into this department knowing she had a passion for performing and sports and that she would have to balance this all four years. I know it has been hard for her, but she gave everything to both. She is a thoughtful leader and she really tries to enforce inclusion in our department. She is always taking care of ME and making sure I have what I need when she notices things getting busy. I am going to miss her, but I can’t wait to see what she becomes,” Goodnow said.
Winter time –soccer and theater season– is usually the busiest time of year for Premenko. Throughout “tech week” she is constantly jumping from her cleats to a headset and microphone attachment.
“On the field I would go from yelling at my teammates to get in their place, to the theater. I can’t exactly tell my cast members to “suck it up.” There is just such a positive aura going on such a supportive environment. On the field, we are a little more aggressive.”
In addition to the blaze of extra curriculars, Premenko has also demonstrated an astonishing academically rigorous high school career. With a 4.2 GPA, and 18 advanced/honor or college courses under her costume, Premenko is ranked in the top 10 percent of her class.
Yet Premenko ever since a young age has had to work extra hard at school due to a dyslexia diagnosis in 5th grade. She has had to find motivation in order to launch her into the confident and successful Bekah Premenko the world has a pleasure of knowing today.
“The word ‘no’ is the biggest motivation I could ask for. A lot of people told me that doing a sport and theater was impossibly hard, it was. But that is exactly what motivated me to do it, and do it well,” Premenko said. “Going into high school with a 504, I had a lot of counselors tell me I would need a lot of extra help with academics. I was told I would probably fail if I tried Honors English my sophomore year (I actually got an A in the class). I have gone throughout high school barely using my accommodations and finishing with a 4.2. I have just had to work a little harder at things.”
Premenko’s dearest teacher, Mathew Carroll, who taught her English freshman year and Peer teacher her junior and senior year has been her most supportive teacher, and always encouraged Premenko throughout her time at PRHS.
“He has been there for me for every step of the way. He was the teacher I would run crying to during tech week and he was the first person I called when I got into TCU. He has been my teacher, coach, and friend. I really don’t know what I would do without him,” Premenko said.
“She’s always been kind, but she learned to be assertive and use her voice to do what is right. I’ve always had a tremendous amount of respect for her and that has only grown as she’s grown into a worldly and thoughtful individual,” Carroll said. “Bekah is the type of person where if she found out you were having a bad day she’d mow your lawn, bake you cookies, and lend an ear to listen; at the same time, she’s tough so she won’t let you walk all over her…an All-American girl.”
Premenko will be attending Texas Christian University (TCU) in the fall of 2021 as a Criminal Justice major and will join the Air Force ROTC, where she plans to commission as an officer after her 4 years at TCU.
Like a strong and mighty fiery flame, she is a blaze of grace and beauty everywhere she goes. Premenko is beloved by all who know her. Her electric personality, and extensive involvement in soccer, drama, and clubs on campus has allowed Premenko to develop a strong reputation for being an inspiring senior, and will allow her flame to radiate as she moves beyond bearcat halls.
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