Senior Chris Garcia to represent PRHS in SLO County Poem Recital
[dropcap size=small]P[/dropcap]RHS runner-up for the past two years, Senior Chris Garcia let out a big and well deserved, “Yeah Baby!” after emcee and history teacher Geof Land announced him as the 2017 Poetry Out Loud (POL) winner Jan. 25, 2017 in the Performing Arts Center. Garcia was victorious over 20 poetic orators grades 10 through 12, the runner-up junior Raegan Lomanto.
Judging–performed itself by teachers and administrators– was based on physical presence, voice and articulation, dramatic appropriateness, level of difficulty, evidence of understanding, and overall performance, and with his years of experience, this was a familiar and exciting process for Garcia, who recited the poem, Greatest Grandeur, by Pattiann Rogers.
“I feel accomplished and relieved to have won, just reassured and validated.” said Garcia, post announcement.
Many talented orators gave their best shot at reciting the poem of their choice. Lomanto recited One Hundred Love Sonnets: XVII by Pablo Neruda. Should the need arise, Lomanto will take Garcia’s place as the representative of PRHS at the County Competition which is to be held on Feb. 10, from 7-9 p.m. at the Unitarian Fellowship in San Luis Obispo. There, Garcia will compete against 10-15 other competitors to find out who makes it to the State level.

The winner of the County Competition will receive a $500 scholarship toward travel to the State POL competition in Sacramento, CA, and the County Runner-up will receive a $200 scholarship. In order to compete in the State Competition, the contestants will need to have memorized 3 different poems, the contest set to take place on March 12-13.
A notable mention, senior Sean Clayton recited a powerful and beautiful original poem titled, Thorns.

JUDGES: Jennifer Gaviola-Director of Secondary Ed., Kris Schouse-Deputy Principal of PRHS and Anne Domenic-English Instructor of PRHS