A commentary on Project Front Lines Protesting

We’ve all noticed the anti-abortion protesters at the high school. One guy caught my attention. Do you remember this guy: the one who stood at the crosswalk in between the parking lot and the district office with a sign, sometimes two, and ranted about abortion? I had an epiphany; he might be insane.
You may be wondering how I came to this seemingly blunt and simple conclusion, especially if you’re pro-life. Truth is I don’t know him. But he certainly made his views known to many of us as he shouted about abortion and how girls can’t have them, and that it’s not acceptable to have one even if you are raped. He was unpleasant and intrusive. A man who acts like this is a menace to all of us, even those who would seemingly agree with his views. It might seem he is out there to save babies from abortion, but there appears to be a darker, much more twisted motive that guides him. To determine this motive, we must consider his methods.
This man is affronting the people on the sidewalk with his strongly held anti-abortion views, but notice his chosen audience. He is targeting the people who use the crosswalk, mostly the younger students at our school who cannot yet drive. This would include students as young as 14 and 15 years-old, many of whom just a few months before were in the 8th grade. This man is harassing these girls–he is coming where they cannot avoid him and pressuring them to make decisions that he deems morally correct. This is the very definition of harassment. Why is this man harassing unsupervised young people and prompting them to make decisions about their sexual lives and bodies?
Well, he is certainly insensitive towards children, as he dragged out his own child to witness his abuse of others, even in the sun when the temperature was 103 degrees. To me, it’s all too obvious he doesn’t care about the well-being of female students, as there are obviously much better ways to help them than yell at them while they wait to cross the street. His pamphlets outright call people who have abortions murderers, which contributes to a culture of harassing women. And, surprisingly, even preventing abortion may not be his motive, as the most simple and effective way to prevent the need for abortion would be to provide contraception and birth control, which this man has stated he is against.
What guides a grown man to aggressively approach and harass young women about sexual issues? He is being disrespectful of young women without any adults around. Most sane adult men know what we all know: talking to girls on street corners about sex is the very definition, the epitome of creepy. Can I make a request? Please stay home.