Knowledge is Protection
Planned parenthood isn’t a murder factory
By Angelina Valencia, Cinematographer

On a gloomy October day of last year, I was walking to school with the usual dread of my upcoming English quiz in my mind. I trudged onto campus with my hands in my hoodie pocket; minding my own business, just lost in thought. Outside the tan and metal gates of the school was a man with a giant sign that featured a bloody fetus on it. He stopped me and asked my opinion on abortion. I nervously muttered, “Well it just depends on the circumstance.” I guess my words sparked something in him because he began yelling at me with graphic slurs of rape and my heartlessness for the babies who were aborted. Following the already absurd display of gore, he slipped a flyer made of cheap cardstock into my hand as he said something along the lines of, “Rape victims cannot abort the baby because killing a baby at conception is murder.” I began to think of my mother’s experiences and felt an overwhelming urge to ask this man about his pregnancy scares because he obviously knows what it feels like to be pregnant. See More...
No need for Planned Parenthood
Defunding Planned Parenthood will only lead to better companies
By Jessica Cole, Co-Editor-in-Chief

In the beginning, I didn’t want to watch the grainy videos about Planned Parenthood and their careless dissection and sale of baby’s body parts.
So I resisted, tugging away from the videos, but I kept a careful watch on the events that followed. I saw politicians give speeches, blowing up the videos into bigger issues that included women’s rights, health care, and congressional funding.
The politics of it all created a very vague, nice sort of general knowledge that kept me rooted to my pro-life views without having to deal with any unpleasant facts.
Because ignorance is bliss. Right? And then I watched the video. See More…