As of Feb. 9, 2024, Tyler Useda (Spanish teacher) has moved out of his classroom to pursue his new job at the highschool he grew up in.
Sr. Useda had been teaching at PRHS since 2020 during distance learning. His new job is located in Rancho Cucamonga, California. The high school he’s transferred to is Los Osos High School; here his mom teaches Spanish and his dad teaches Physics and Robotics, so he will be colleagues with his parents.

Useda had made a real connection with his students within the last couple years he’d been working at PRHS. His Spanish classes allowed him to get to know so many students, and especially those who he had taught his first year, who will now be graduating at the end of 2024.
“I will definitely really miss all my students a lot. And especially my first full graduating class that I’ve known since freshman all the way to senior year class of 2024; I’m going to miss seeing them graduate.” said Useda.
Sr. Useda will continue to be teaching Spanish at this new high school, specifically a Spanish 1 class, Spanish 3, and the beginning native Spanish speaker class.
“I kind of feel a little bit of pressure honestly because I hold myself to a high standard as a teacher,” said Useda.
Useda explained how his parents have been working at this school his whole life and their popularity with the students is intimidating for him as he felt that he has a lot to live up to.
According to Useda, the Spanish department, including Jennifer Fuller and Chris Cline, was incredibly supportive in Useda’s moving, and they had constantly supported him on campus.
At the moment, Mr. Abbott has been subbing in for Useda’s absence, and it is unclear if there will be another teacher that will step in to continue out the Spanish classes.
Though Useda has disappointingly left PRHS, he will be remembered fondly through his students and other close staff members.
“I hope that I’ve inspired at least one student out of all the hundreds that I’ve known to continue to learn Spanish.”