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A Never Ending War: Anonymous Students Opinions About the War In Gaza

A Never Ending War: Anonymous Students Opinions About the War In Gaza

A conflict that has spiraled over a century returning to this current year and what sides students are taking

The conflict of Palestine in Israel has continued to keep popping up on people’s screens ever since October 7, 2023 with the deaths of 1200 Israelis that day and the ensuing invasion of the Gaza Strip. It’s a controversial topic involving religion and land, a centuries old conflict which has led to injustice and the denial of human rights for hundreds of years.

The Rise

In 1947, the United Nations pushed for two independent states, and Jerusalem under UN Administration. Jews accept the UN partition plan and declared independence as the state of Israel on May 15, 1948. Zionist gangs violently expelled over 750,000 Palestinians from their homes in 1948 and took their land rendering them refugees. The day is remembered as “Nakba,” Arabic for “catastrophe.” More than half of Palestinians had to flee their homes and find residence in refugee camps in the West Bank of Gaza and in neighboring countries. Countries objected to Israeli independence and on the day following, the first Arab-Israeli war broke out.

Israel grabbed more land intended for the Palestinian state, dividing it into three parts: Jordan occupied the West Bank and east Jerusalem; Egypt occupied Gaza; and the state of Israel took 78% of historical Palestine, including west Jerusalem. In 1967, the Six Day War in 1967 saw Israel take full control of the land, leading to the formation of the PLO, an organization to protect and defend Palestinians with the goal of an independent Palestinian state. The fighting went on for many more years, and the PLO eventually accepted the division of the land between Palestine and Israel.

The Fuel To The Fire 

The conflict worsened when more Israeli settlers made their way into Palestinian territories. The frustration among Palestinians led to an “intifada” or “uprising” in Arabic. As a result, Hamas was born as a political movement determined to fight against the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. After attempts at peace accords, Israel built separation walls and checkpoints to control Palestinian movement.

In 2005  Israel withdrew from Gaza but continued to build illegal settlements in the Palestinian West Bank. Hamas gained power in Gaza and split from the PLO. Occupied West Bank and Gaza are now under separate leadership.

After violence erupted in Gaza, Israel imposed a 2017 blockade on the besieged enclave, restricting any form of movement.  Israel has carried out military assaults on Gaza in 2008, 2012, 2014, and 2021, but in 2022 was one of the deadliest for Palestinians.

Only last year in 2023, Israel carried out several violent attacks on Gaza and deadly raids in Jenin.

On October 7 2023, Hamas responded in its biggest attack on Israel in its history. 




Read More!

New York Times: The Israeli Founding Palestinian Conflict


BBC World News: Keeping Up With Recent Events In the Gaza War


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