A man who yearns to soar

Junior Angel Pallais is a unique individual. Pallais currently plays Tennis for PRHS’ Varsity team, and has a passion for astronomy and video games. Though quarantine has been difficult for him, as with many others, the return to a hybrid education will prove to be an arduous task for him to fulfill.
This strenuous return is due to the fact that Pallais has to care for his 7 year-old sister Chantal while both his parents work.
Because I have a sister to care for, and my parents work, I’ll be losing a lot of my electives, which is very problematic. For example, right now I’m in medical health care practicum, and I’m about to lose that class. Same thing for anatomy.
Forced Transition to Edgenuity
Pallais explained that he will have to transfer to the district’s edgenuity program along with 17% of Bearcats “simply because [he] can’t attend in person.”
Pallais said his mental health “could be better,” but he continues to remain optimistic amongst the chaotic Covid conundrum.
For him, quarantine has been “boring.” Pallais said that it’s been difficult to stay motivated, “which makes it difficult to retain any info if you’re not willing to do anything.”

Aspirations to enlist with the Air Force
Though Pallais will have multiple roadblocks in returning to school, he remains optimistic, thinking about the road ahead of him. Pallais aspires to serve in the United States Airforce “hopefully as an officer and to retire and enjoy life as it is,” (Pallais). Over the past two years, 29 Bearcat alumni have enlisted in the United States Military, and Pallais will go on to serve with them. His father, Alain Pallais currently serves in the U.S. Army, and has inspired Pallais to join the military and follow in his footsteps.
Though quarantine and distance learning have proven to be difficult for Pallais, the past nine months have also “given [him] a lot of time to think about things.” Pallais explains that it has helped him to “change [his] personality, become less shy, and to be more active.” His self-discovery has allowed him to destress, “which has helped clear [his] head and relax.”
Pallais spends most of his free time reading books on astronomy, playing tennis, and playing videogames with his friends. For Pallais, these pastimes make life just a bit more “normal,” and help him to cope with the uncertainties tied with quarantine.
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