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’23-’24 Editor-in-Chief Farewell

Editors-In-Chief for the 2023-2024 Crimson say goodbye- Powerpuff Girl style
'23-'24 Editor-in-Chief Farewell
Wulfing as Buttercup, Gaviola as Blossom, and Mathers as Bubbles.
Wulfing as Buttercup, Gaviola as Blossom, and Mathers as Bubbles.

Room 604. It is the portal of my 4 years at PRHS. It is the exit to the outside world (parking lot to my car) and the entrance into a class unlike any other. Room 604, has been more than a journalism class, it has been my sanctuary. The last three years in Crimson have had their ups and downs with many tears of sadness and many tears of joy shed. And, to say the least, I am grateful for every moment I have ever spent inside the walls of Crimson. 

Never in my wildest dreams would I think I would be a part of this class. My two older sisters were heavily involved in the class and it took them many nights to convince me to join. Despite my unwillingness to join, I joined. Only to discover that I quite enjoyed the class. Following my sister’s steps I became EIC in my junior year. I want to give a huge thank you to my sisters: Ysabel Wulfing and Rayvin Wulfing, for always encouraging me to step out of my comfort zone and try something new. For pushing me and encouraging me every step of the way. 

However, Crimson would not be the same without beloved English teacher and advisor Jeff Mount. Mount has been a huge part of my success for the last 4 years. Starting as a freshman in his English class and ending as a program leader in my senior year. He has pushed me to excel and do the best of my abilities. He has taught me grammar, to be a good journalist, to use Photoshop, InDesign, and illustrator, and most importantly a power paragraph. 

As the school year draws to a close and graduation looms over the horizon I am overwhelmed with gratitude for this program. It has taught me so much that words can’t even be expressed. Although I won’t be going to University for communications, this class will serve as a great resource for me in my future career. As I prepare my farewell to PRHS and embark on new adventures, I carry with me the invaluable lessons learned in Room 604, forever grateful for the experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today.

I don’t think any class exists as such a clear manifestation of my growth in high school more than my journey in Crimson.

I loved the idea of the class from the start- I’ve always enjoyed stories, writing and reading them alike and the marriage between objectivity and subjectivity present in journalism seemed like the perfect extracurricular. But the class in reality, for my first year, was a struggle. I was shy and awkward, almost standoffish at times. I didn’t have many friends in the class, and though my work was top-notch, my in-class bonding skills were decidedly not.

When I returned the next year, however, a lack of upperclassmen in the program forced me into the Editor-in-Chief position, and I can confidently say that this push has allowed me to grow so much as a person. I knew how to suitably write. But being EIC taught me how to design, lead, and connect in a way that I believe will follow me throughout my life. Each year of EIC has brought such beautiful and different struggles and opportunities to grow and I am extremely grateful for that. 

 Crimson is not always easy, and sometimes it is quite detestable- but the connections save it. I have so many thanks to give. Thank you in particular to my sister, who illuminated my first year of Crimson with her guidance. Thank you to my co-EICs throughout the years, Miguel, Serenity, and Elise, who have supported me through the latest late nights and have impressed me so thoroughly with their competence. I know, without a doubt, the three of you will take the world by storm. Even you, Serenity (<3). Every issue has been a true labor of journalove, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the effort the three of you put in. 

And finally, thank you to Mount. He is the one who initially saw potential in me as EIC when I doubt many of our classmates did. He hasn’t stopped believing and pushing me further and further. This program is lucky to have you. 

From the stress of a deadline to the jubilance of a block period game, Crimson has been the best thing I did in high school (and I did a bit). Underclassmen- I know you won’t, but savor it. 

“Personal Invitation: Crimson or YB”, the short subject of an email inviting me to what I didn’t know yet, would be the most fulfilling part of my time at PRHS. Just like many others on this campus I suffered through Honors English 9, but I always enjoyed writing and accepted Mount’s invitation within an hour. 

Where I expected simply a course of rigorous writing and production I found a second home. Right off the bat, Crimson was so much more than storytelling. I’m incredibly grateful for a special connection with the community I feel this program gave me. I discovered my passion for news and informational writing pretty early on, and through that I was able to cover so many intense topics that continually stretched my brain (and also got me into trouble more than once..). 

I was never an athlete, not an ASB or leadership kid, and though I tried out several different visual and performing arts, Crimson became my safety net. I want to give a special shout out to the Nov. 2023 Boston Convention trip. There aren’t many students who get the privilege of saying they traveled across the country with their class. Having a trip so huge so early on in the school year turned this class into a family. The tight knit dynamic of this class is like no other I’ve been part of, and to the Crimson class of 2023-24, you all hold such a special place in my heart. I will miss you all incredibly, but I leave with so much faith and confidence in each and every one of you. 

Of course, this class would not be what it is without our incredible adviser, Mount. I owe so much to this program and none of that would be possible without you. I feel sorry for the generations who won’t have the privilege of calling you their teacher, they are truly missing out. Thank you for believing in me. 

Though I’m not going off to be a journalist, I know that the things I learned in room 604 don’t just apply to journalism. In the whirlwind that was high school, Crimson was a constant. Saying goodbye feels very bittersweet, but all good things must come to an end. The last three years have been nothing short of amazing and I feel honored to have even been a small part of such an incredible program.

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