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Behind the Voice: All About the Student Announcer, Amy Ayala

Every morning, the school hears her voice but who is she behind the intercom?
Behind the Voice: All About the Student Announcer, Amy Ayala

Each day at the beginning of second period, a junior girl hurriedly makes her way to Jillian Titone’s cubicle in the counseling offices.  She extensively studies the script, preparing for club, sports, and news announcements. The office staff knows the face of Amy Ayala but the rest of the school just knows her clear voice over the loudspeakers in second period. 

Ayala was chosen by Principal Fletcher to do the announcements after she submitted an application for the role of informing the school about recent events. Towards the beginning of the year, Fletcher was visiting classrooms, looking for a student who would be the perfect candidate for this job. 

“I was accidentally put into Mr. Cantrell’s English class, even though I did English over the summer, and then Principal Fletcher did a presentation to the class and asked if anyone was willing to do the morning announcements,” Ayala said. 

“I thought it was something that sounded super cool and something that I thought I would be interested in.” Ayala then submitted an application to Fletcher and was chosen to do the job which she has been doing ever since. 

At the beginning of this adventure, Ayala had to overcome some challenges that unexpectedly fell in her path. Her first couple times doing the announcements, she was slightly nervous as to what the rest of the school would think of her voice presenting every morning. 

“At first I was nervous, because you don’t know what people would expect when they hear a voice,” Ayala said. But after doing it a couple times in the first week, she was super used to doing it to where it just felt comfortable for her. 

 To be able to do the announcements, she must walk a little faster to the counseling office every morning to get there in time. But overall, the positives beat the negatives and she has found the job as something that she looks forward to in the mornings. 

Since Ayala has begun this job, she has felt that it has a specific importance that contributes to the overall knowledge of the school. From being the announcer, it gives her a chance to advocate for a cause or event but also to hear everything that is going on on campus. She thinks that it also is an easy way for students and staff to hear a student speaking about recent campus activities. 

“It’s a very efficient way for students and staff to know what’s to come in that week or later weeks without having to open any emails or websites,” Ayala said.

In this opportunity that was presented to her, she feels like she has also been able to sharpen some of her natural skills. Being in acting for two years, public speaking is something that has always come naturally to her, which made her able to execute this job in a professional manner. 

Ayala has grown to love this job more than she would have imagined. This opportunity has opened her eyes to going into a career that will enhance her public speaking. Right now, her main interest is to go into a job in the medical field and she feels that having this public speaking job can contribute to whatever job she acquires in the future. 

“I feel like you need to have good communication skills in that field so I feel like this is preparing me for that career,” Ayala said. 

Ayala is vigorously involved with over eight activities, including Varsity sideline cheer, advanced acting, LINK Crew, Superintendent Council Board Meeting Team, after school Safety & Enrichment Program at Bauer Speck, ASB Secretary, FCA Club Member, Drama Club Member, and two AP classes while also doing enrichment courses through Cuesta. 

Ayala has also made a massive impact on the school environment that does not go unrecognized. Jillian Titone, the Office Manager, sees Ayala daily when she comes in to do the announcements from the phone in her workspace.

“Amy is very bubbly and outgoing… Someone who is announcing every morning should have excitement and be cheery and positive while also speaking clearly which is exactly what she does,” said Titone. Titone has only begun in her position at the start of this school year, so she hopes her and Ayala’s relationship will continue to grow over the next four months of school.

Marcy Goodnow, teacher and Director of Theatre Arts, sees Ayala over four times a week including after school rehearsals during the fall or spring play which has made her able to really get to know Ayala. 

“She is joy, she’s sunshine. She walks into a room and you can just feel the positive energy. And it totally radiates on stage and in the announcements as well,” said Goodnow when asked about Ayala. “She’s just always happy.” 

 When asked about continuing this position next year, she enthusiastically replied that she would love to continue as it is something that makes her day fun. If she acquires the opportunity to continue, she would like to incorporate a little more of herself into it. 

“There’s so many people who I see on TikTok add fun little facts and things like that, so maybe I can incorporate that throughout the year next year,” Ayala said hopefully. 

If Ayala continues this job her senior year, she encourages the person who takes over for her when she graduates to use their voice in the best way possible.

“Just spread interesting news and always enjoy it. Have fun with it and cherish those opportunities that are presented to you,” Ayala said. 

Through her voice, Ayala spreads knowledge about important events. But behind the voice, she spreads kindness and happiness through her smile and personality.

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