My story of spending a day in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter

This February I had the pleasure of completing something on my bucket list: visiting the world of Harry Potter in Universal Studios Florida. Now, as a huge Harry Potter fan I know almost all there is to know about the wizarding world, leaving many high expectations in my mind of how this world should be portrayed. Let me just say, I was not disappointed. This is the tale of how I was transported out of the muggle world and lived a day as part of the wizarding community.

After a short stop at 12 Grimmauld Place and a short visit to the Knight Bus, it was time to enter the Wizarding World. So through the brick wall I went into the bustling, hidden Diagon Alley. It felt as though I had stepped into a vanishing cabinet and on the other side awaited a dream. It was all I had ever imagined it to be. On the left was the Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, to the right was the Leaky Cauldron and straight ahead was Gringotts. After a short lunch at the Leaky Cauldron (don’t worry, we ate the pea soup before it ate us), we went into every shop they had. Including, Madame Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions, Quality Quidditch Supplies, and Ollivanders. Every shop, decoration, and even layout was so precise and perfectly placed I couldn’t stop looking at everything and nerding out.

Once we had all of our supplies, we decided it was time to catch the Hogwarts Express at Kings Cross and make our way to school. After running through Platform 9 ¾ and after the train ride through the English countryside (I won’t describe the trainride as to not spoil anything), we finally arrived in Hogsmeade. Just like Diagon Alley, everything was absolutely perfect. The Three Broomsticks sat to our left next to Honeydukes and on the right was Gladrags Wizardwear. First we headed to the Three Broomsticks to spoil our tastebuds with the long awaited mug of Butterbeer. It is by far the BEST THING I’VE EVER TASTED. You could get it three ways: Hot, regular, or frozen. Although all three were amazing, my personal favorite is hot Butterbeer. It has the same thick and creamy consistency as hot chocolate but fills your mouth with a sweet butterscotch/toffee kind of taste. The cream on the top adds to the overall creamy and delicious flavor. I can’t even describe it. It is indescribably delightful. Although secret passageways are awesome, I wouldn’t recommend using the one in Honeydukes: Hogsmeade is too cool to miss out on!

Then came the moment we all had been waiting for: the castle. Up on a hill at the end of Hogsmeade lies the most magnificent and grand structure. There before us was Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Looking at the castle, I felt as if someone had snuck me a love potion; a tidal wave of chills overcame me as I realized that I was staring at the castle I’d waited to see my whole life. Although it would’ve been cooler if you were actually allowed to tour the castle, and I’d left my invisibility cloak at home so sneaking in was out of the question, the ride inside it was pretty awesome. Just looking at the castle was enough to sell me even more on attending the school.
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter was absolutely amazing. Everything followed the books, and movies, and I can’t think of anything that they should’ve changed. My day in the Wizarding World is a day that I will always remember.
To my fellow Harry Potter fans, even the muggles, I encourage you to go! If Florida’s too far, than I suggest traveling by the floo network. But if you’ve run out of powder and haven’t passed the test to apparate, then Universal Studios Hollywood is also getting a Harry Potter World April, 7, so there you go