264 disciplinary actions have been taken this year at PRHS as of Oct. 20. The students were fairly evenly distributed between different types of infractions, with 46 disciplined for disturbance or disrespect, 36 for truancy, 43 for electronic devices, 19 for dress code violations, 50 for noncompliance, and 40 suspensions.
The disturbance/disrespect infractions were heavily skewed towards freshman and sophomores, who accounted for 81% of infractions, with freshman accounting for 49%. Similarly, underclassmen were the perpetrators 80% of noncompliance violations, with freshmen accounting for 52%. Suspensions were also skewed towards underclassmen, but the guiltiest class is the sophomores, who compose 45%, with freshmen comprising for 30%. Juniors are the most culpable class regarding truancy, comprising 56% of truancy violations. Neither dress code nor electronic device infractions have much class variation, though freshmen account for the fewest infractions, seniors next, and juniors and sophomores tied for the most in both areas.