I don’t think any class exists as such a clear manifestation of my growth in high school more than my journey in Crimson.
I loved the idea of the class from the start- I’ve always enjoyed stories, writing and reading them alike and the marriage between objectivity and subjectivity present in journalism seemed like the perfect extracurricular. But the class in reality, for my first year, was a struggle. I was shy and awkward, almost standoffish at times. I didn’t have many friends in the class, and though my work was top-notch, my in-class bonding skills were decidedly not.
When I returned the next year, however, a lack of upperclassmen in the program forced me into the Editor-in-Chief position, and I can confidently say that this push has allowed me to grow so much as a person. I knew how to suitably write. But being EIC taught me how to design, lead, and connect in a way that I believe will follow me throughout my life. Each year of EIC has brought such beautiful and different struggles and opportunities to grow and I am extremely grateful for that.
Crimson is not always easy, and sometimes it is quite detestable- but the connections save it. I have so many thanks to give. Thank you in particular to my sister, who illuminated my first year of Crimson with her guidance. Thank you to my co-EICs throughout the years, Miguel, Serenity, and Elise, who have supported me through the latest late nights and have impressed me so thoroughly with their competence. I know, without a doubt, the three of you will take the world by storm. Even you, Serenity (<3). Every issue has been a true labor of journalove, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the effort the three of you put in.
And finally, thank you to Mount. He is the one who initially saw potential in me as EIC when I doubt many of our classmates did. He hasn’t stopped believing and pushing me further and further. This program is lucky to have you.
From the stress of a deadline to the jubilance of a block period game, Crimson has been the best thing I did in high school (and I did a bit). Underclassmen- I know you won’t, but savor it.