PRHS performing arts dancers from Jazz N Company, apprentices, as well as intermediate, put on a spectacular performance on March 9, 10, and 11. All 21 dance routines of the night carried a theme of “I am”, which signified the strength of knowing who one is as a person. The first performance was called, I am, and was choreographed by Artistic Director, Jennifer Bedrosian. PRHS seniors including Jennifer Viveros, Suzanne Belton, Casey Galli, Taylor Hargrave, Valerie Leon, and Codie Wilshusen, danced during the routine, I am graduating, choreographed by Viveros, Belton, and Hargrave, as a goodbye routine. During the last routine, dancers took off their shirts, revealing an undershirt with words like, “I am…blessed…loved…worthy…” which enforced the theme of self-actualization.
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