Junior class sets Prom for May 5 at Tooth and Nail Winery
The 2017 Prom will take place at Tooth and Nail Winery on Friday, May 5. Hours of work were put into finding an “off the hook” venue and Jenny Martinez, Psychology teacher and Joy Brunner, Special education teacher and junior class adviser Brian Kragh battled through multiple venues, dates, and factors to arrive at the decision.
The final venue of Tooth and Nail Winery, located on 46 West Highway, has open balconies, games, dancing, and food. The junior class advisors welcome all juniors to come to meetings on Wednesdays at lunch to help plan this evening filled with friends, fun, food, and memories.
Planners tried pleasing as many students as they could in addition to taking everyone’s school schedules into account, according to Martinez.
Brunner and Martinez exhausted every possible venue site from Paso Robles to Arroyo Grande, including having it in the high school gym on a Saturday. Weddings had filled up the surrounding venues all the way up to Prom, leaving few options. Finding a venue is particularly hard with around 600 junior and seniors and “new county ordinance of having…music off by ten,” Martinez said.
Prom planning also had to factor in sports, the GEO class trip, and Sundays, which were not an option per the district’s request of leaving Sundays for families. The committee thought they had a choice locale at the Santa Margarita Ranch after visiting and contacting 15 plus venues. Yet the ten o’clock music cutoff was a dealbreaker: “who’s gonna come to prom when noise has to be off by 10..that’s [only] 2 hours if we start at 8,” Martinez said.
The prom planning committee has asked that students contact Martinez or Brunner with any questions or contact junior class president Brian Kragh at [email protected].