Swing By: Swing Dance Club
Thursday Tutorials, Dance Room
Ever thought of dancing to Frank Sinatra and being dipped by your dancing partner? Swing into the 1940s with the Swing Dance Club and learn from some of its professionals, including club president Luke Kleinman (10) and vice president Parker Keep (10). Students can learn common swing dancing moves and other tricks and flips. “One that we like to do is called ‘Around the Block’ and it’s where the lead will swing the follower around their back and they’ll land on their feet in front of
them,” Kleinman said. Inspired by his older brother’s interest in social dance classes at BYU, Kleinman began swing-dancing when he still lived in Philadelphia, still using it today at his church youth dances, and decided to share his kno
wledge through the club. His favorite swing move is ‘Around the World,’ which he explains is a more complicated version of ‘Around the Block,’ and when he is able to do it successfully it’s very fun. “We have a lot of good memories just hanging out with friends and getting together and learning to swing dance and going through it together,” Kleinman said. They also have big potential plans of attending Madonna Inn’s weekly Monday swing dancing. “Our goal for the club is kind of just
to teach as many people to swing dance as possible,” Kleinman said. With more members, the event has great potential! Meetings are commonly held in the Dance Room during Thursday tutorials.
Fossil Frenzy: Paleontology Club
Wednesdays Afterschool, Room 404, Mr. Greenburg
Students can enter the Prehistoric Era through the new Paleontology Club, founded by junior Connor Bender and explore the world once ruled by dinosaurs. Bender started the club due to his keen interest in dinosaurs, starting when he was just three years old, sparked by some of his favorite TV programs, including Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Planet. “People should come if they really like the subject, which is really rare around these parts. We kind of live in a dead-zone; there’s nothing around here thatt hat really consists of that subject,” Bender said. Club members can enjoy trivia games identifying species of dinosaurs, art competitions, film watching, exploring career opportunities, and discussing topics related to paleontology. Meetings are currently held on Wednesdays after school in room 404, Greenburg’s classroom.