Students have organized petitions with hundreds of signatures. Other students have attempted to talk to the Board. Others decided to just leave on their own without approval to get their lunch. But PRHS students have lost the battle of having an open campus for decades.
But the battle is no more. Principal Megan Fletcher and Superintendent Jennifer Loftus have worked together to come up with a pilot program to have an open campus in the upcoming 2025 spring semester.
This open campus policy will only be offered to senior students with a couple of eligibility requirements.
Seniors must maintain a minimum of 3.0 GPA each quarter, have no disciplinary infractions during current year, and their attendance must maintain a minimum of 90% or higher. Students must submit a signed consent form from a parent or guardian.
If open campus lunch continues into the next school year, students will also have to pass the CAASPP test in order to be eligible to depart for lunch.
Admin is requiring a check-in and check-out system when leaving and returning on campus during lunch hours using the Minga app. Staff will be on hand to oversee process and ensure guidelines are followed. If there is any violation with law enforcement they might revoke students off campus privileges.
Staff and admin hope that this Open Campus program is encouraging students to show maturity, preparing students for the independence they will experience after graduation, and this privilege will serve as a motivational tool to enhance student engagement and pride.
Fletcher has had two major concerns that have delayed the process of the open campus. “Worries are that students may not return in a timely fashion and also safety concerns from car traffic,” Fletcher said. After much thought and a year of figuring a system she was able to push through and bring an open campus for the first time ever at PRHS.
This might be the first time they have gotten an open campus, but many got close.
One close attempt was in 2016 when a group of students and now retired teacher
Geoffrey Land created a petition that got over 1,000 signatures and was broadcasted over social media. This movement to get this open campus was called, “Free the Bearcats” which gave an open campus to students who had more than a 2.0 GPA. The campaign unfortunately wasn’t able to happen that year.
It has been a yearly occurrence for Bearcats to start a petition and hope to get an open campus. A more recent attempt was in 2023 when students attempted to do the same.
Due to so many attempts throughout the years many seniors are ecstatic about this month’s decision.