Government seize of half of Eastern Ghouta
Fiery showers, troops, and tanks of destruction claimed 20 Syrian lives on Feb. 18 in East Ghouta. The bombing lasted five days- stealing the lives of hungry children and parents. Hundreds of children were rushed to hospitals to take their final breath, according to BBC.

“I’m waiting for my son to die,” a Syrian mother cried, “He’s going straight to Heaven. At least there will be food in Heaven!”
Dr. Amani balour, a pediatrician in East Ghouta, breaks down and cries after telling the mother that her son has passed. Not only has the war been taking its toll on the youth, but Syria is also experiencing its worst outbreak of child malnutrition. Over 100 children are in need of emergency medical evacuation according to UN officials.
About 400,000 civilians in the suburban Eastern Ghouta have suffered by destruction of buildings, severely limited goods, and sickness. A UN convoy delivered aid to children amidst the ruins.
It is estimated that 11.9% of children under five suffer from malnutrition-a jump from its 2.1% in January. As a result, over a third of Eastern Ghouta’s children suffer from stunted growth, according to CNN.