Thor comes smashing into theaters and shocking the crowd with excitement.
Following the events of the 2015 film, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Thor: Ragnarok, tells the story of how Chris Hemsworth, otherwise known as Thor, gets himself imprisoned by the fire demon, Surtur. Finding himself halfway across the universe, the god of thunder embarks on a journey to save Asgard and stop the evil goddess of death, Hela from creating Ragnarok and destroying his home. Through his journey, Thor winds up on the planet of Sakaar and ends up having to fight Hulk in a arena. With the help of Hulk and Valkyrie, Thor heads to Asgard to take on Hela in the final battle.
Thor Ragnarok is the top rated Thor movie in the franchise. The movie made $122.7 million in the opening weekend smashing out the competition. Thor has so much suspense and action that leave you wanting more. The Hulk and Thor duo will give you a sense of laughter that the two strongest Avengers are working together to fight one enemy. Most people will say that a sequels are never better than the original, but Thor Ragnarok gives that a run for its money. According to New York Times “ Mr. Hemsworth looks happier and far more relaxed in “Ragnarok” than he did in the previous Thor vehicles, which is perhaps Mr. Waititi’s truest achievement here.” I feel like Chris Hemsworth has finally got the feel for being Thor not like how he acted in the first two movies. Thor Ragnarok has came and and topped all the other marvel movies that came out in 2017. Thor Ragnarok visuals were fantastic. The Hollywood reporter stated, “The high-powered visuals, both practical and computer-generated, include familiar elements from the film’s predecessors: the halcyon glow of Asgard, the Bifrost’s whooshes of world-spanning multicolored lights.” Thor put on a great show showing comedy, action and suspense intertwined to create a top of the line movie. I recommend this movie to anyone that wants to watch a movie for their money worth’s.