Technology affects the teenage mind through social media, texting, and computers.
From the newest IPhone to the coolest television show, teenagers are constantly bluefaced, which worries parents on the effect it has on their student, according to BBC News. However, technology can be very beneficial if used properly. The internet is full of useful information that can help teens with homework or studying for tests and it is accessible in a matter of seconds.
“Technology can broaden your learning, because you can literally learn anything on the internet. However, you can also be exposed to a lot of negativity like mean people or things you don’t need to know about celebrities”, said junior Sierra Marshall, who spends about three to four hours a day on her phone.

The key to using technology for good is to not pursue negative people or dangerous websites.
“There’s definitely negative things on the internet like people being mean to each other, or shaming people for how they look. There’s also positive things like people being kind to each other and meeting new people,” Marshall said.
One of the greatest benefits of technology is helping teens to connect with others. Some teenagers struggle to make friends and social media is a great source to find new people who have the same interests and goals, according to Public Health Research.
Social media also gives teens the chance to express their creative work widely, whether it is a picture, art piece, or opinion.
“There are a lot of creative outlets for teenagers who are writers and artists, whether that’s a fan-fiction community or an art-sharing community,” wrote Devorah Heitner, the autho
r of “Helping Tweens Thrive and Survive in Their Digital World”.
Apps like Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and Phhhoto can be good outlets for a teen mind to express to and maybe seek advice from friendly peers. However, precautions should be made on social media apps due to the easy access of inappropriate or dangerous accounts.
“It’s how you go on the internet and how you look at things. I tend to just look at positive things on the internet”, said Marshall.
Technology is also a good source for teens to be more social and willing to develop a relationship.
“A teen who may feel they’re not fitting in can reach out to make friends online or not in vicinity. More kids feel better about themselves through social media than worse. There are trolls, there is bullying, but there’s much more positive reinforcement than negative to be found.” said Dr. Yalda Uhls, child psychologist and author of the parenting book “Media Moms and Digital Dads: A Fact-Not-Fear Approach to Parenting in the Digital Age.”
57 percent of teens ages 13 to 17 have made a new friend online. This shows how social media has a good impact on the teenage social life and helps a young growing mind find good friends with similar interests, according to Pew Research Center
Phones, computers, and social media can have negative effects on a teenage mind; however, the positives outweigh the bad.