Make this year memorable and loving
We’re seven weeks into the school year. We have more funding, new teaching talents, renovated facilities, and new Google and instructional technology. It’s a great time to be telling PRHS stories from our vantage point at Crimson.
And it’s a great time for you to be a Bearcat.
At times life isn’t “High School Musical.” High school itself can be mortifying—or murderously tedious—and most days can feel like minefields of threats, failures, or fears. Maybe it’s a dress code sweep. Maybe it’s a Algebra test. Maybe it’s college applications.
Plus, high schoolers can be hard. They walk around utterly absorbed in their worlds, their own problems, and their own highs and lows. They forget the girl who sits on the planter all alone, and the boy who wanders around campus because he doesn’t have friends to be with.
Certainly some folks face no status quo to hold them back, nor friends who inhibit them from baking, hip hop dancing, or singing.
Other students have no one at all.
But it doesn’t have to be that way this year. Some basic human kindness can go a long way to brighten someone’s day. It might save their life.
We go to a small school in a small town, and there are only so many people to care about the lost and forgotten on this campus, but you could be one of them. It isn’t hard to show love to the campus.
In journalism we call it journalove, the basic principle that every word and every thought should aim to create better friendships, better people, and a better program.
We don’t just call ourselves a “family” on the journalism staff. We force ourselves to act like a family. We build love and respect by believing the best about others and ourselves. Through ups and downs, annoyances and difficulties, we put the program ahead of ourselves—that is, we put your stories and information you need—to look for the best way to fix problems and obstacles, whether they are persons, pages, or a lost camera.
We challenge you to understand that at this school are only as good as our worst person, and we work as a team. We know that Ohana means family, and family means that no one gets left behind or forgotten.
This lifestyle, and this love-style isn’t easy. No one is perfect, trouble does visit us, and we mess up, hurt people, and act carelessly. Journalove is forgiveness, and the recognition that just because you would like to think that you are better than the person who wronged you doesn’t mean that you are.
Love is very simple. Some people are worth melting for. Journalove is sacrifice, it’s putting dislike and hurt aside in favor of loving someone. Journalove is an attitude that demands honesty and faith in the goodness of other people. Isn’t simple or easy, but this will only ever be as strong as our love for each other is.