They will hop the fence that surrounds PRHS classrooms. They’ll sneak out through trusted teachers’ doors. Students have figured out how to ditch lunch, ditch classes and ditch the closed campus policy. Those who have the intention to leave campus completely get food or are just ready for a short end to the day.
A survey of 52 students sent out on Dec. 3 revealed that a majority of 68%, 26 students, leave with a pass or permission while the remaining 31% of students simply snuck out and left campus, abandoning the school policy for snacks.
The school provides free breakfast and lunch on a daily basis. However students consistently walk or drive to other restaurants instead of receiving the free meals.
“I will not eat the food here. So if I don’t pack a lunch then usually I leave or I’m just bored. And I want to go home for the day,” an anonymous junior said.
The top locations that students went during the school day were Starbucks and home, each making up 40% of answers. Another popular restaurant amongst students is Chipotle, 13 students answered. Around a 5 minute drive from the school parking lot, some students prefer eating fast food outside of school.
“I think I am addicted to Chipotle but I always try to make it back before lunch ends so I don’t miss class,” a senior said.
Lunch time was the most popular time for students to leave in search of other places for food. The restaurants within a 5 mile radius of PRHS are between a 15-20 minute walk and a 5 minute drive from the high school, making it a reasonable option. When students choose to leave school for food they tend to spend $10- $20 at these restaurants. Eating outside of school is spending more money than eating the free lunch at school, now with more options with the addition of a salad bar in Fall 2023.

Since last year, the enforcement of the campus has gotten stricter. The main office door is no longer open to students, decreasing the options for students to use to get off campus.
““I have actually seen a decrease in students ditching school since last year,” Jennifer Bedrosian said.
Some of the students who leave class aren’t actually leaving the parking lot. They are simply leaving campus briefly to get lunch from their cars and do not have the intention to leave beyond that.
“Right at the beginning of lunch, I have auto for fourth period and I have lunch B so I just leave right from auto, my trucks right outside the gate and I get my lunch,” an anonymous senior said.
Despite this, Some students ditch only the campus and its food options during the lunch hour; others are slipping out during class. Leaving campus to go home is yet another reason for students to leave school.
“Whenever there’s something that I’m not prepared for, like a test, then I’ll go home,” a sophomore said.
5 students admitted to being caught and still students leave campus. For a snack at lunch or just a break from school, the gates remain locked and security boosted, but the students of Paso Robles High School still manage the routine of ditching school.