Bryson Wakeman
A set of 20 feet floats down and, standing at 5’9”, freshman Kiley Bowman jumps and swings, sending the ball blazing over the net, showing a sliver of her iconic hit. In her first year of high school, Bowman is a starting outside hitter, playing all rotations for the PRHS varsity volleyball team. So far this season, the varsity team has placed first in Gold division at a Madera tournament, second in Silver division for the Hard Driven Tournament, and won two league games as of Sept. 28, 2023.
Knowing most of the high school varsity team from other sports, mostly softball, Bowman felt as part of the team from the first practice, noticing the jump in competition level and energy on the court.
“Playing more competitive volleyball with more rallies is so much fun, especially with a team full of really fun girls,” Bowman said.

The challenges of higher competition at the varsity level are a block threatening her kill, but as Bowman’s coach, Vickie Werling said, “her attitude is a huge bump in team confidence”, a goal Werling has for all her players this season. Her positiveness and integrity on the court makes her an even stronger and more dependable athlete.
“Kiley does what is asked of her, you never hear her complaining, and she is the one who would do an extra rep to ensure she doesn’t cheat the exercise,” Werling said.
Having coached at Paso High for 7 years, Werling noticed from the moment Bowman walked in the gym that she knew how to play formal volleyball. Using her strong form, Bowman’s hits are intense as she follows through the ball when she swings, making her an unavoidable force on the court.
“I want to go to USD because I love their volleyball community and I want to continue where my mom was,” Bowman said.
Bowman has played for two clubs, Hot Shots being her first team in elementary school. She is now going into her third year playing for 805 Elite, a travel team established for athletes in SLO County by Cal Poly Head Coach, Caroline Walters.
In addition to indoor, Bowman wants to play beach volleyball for PRHS in the spring.
“It will help my indoor game a lot especially with my vertical,” Bowman said.
In the sand or on the court, Bowman plays competitive ball and on varsity, she is pushing herself to the highest rate possible.