After losing their first CIF game, the Bearcats were eliminated from CIF in the first round. On Tuesday, October 26 2021, at 6:00 p.m. the Lady Bearcats hit the court to play their first CIF match. They started out strong against the Lemoore Lions, managing to keep their lead the first game and winning by 7, the score being 25-18. They struggled to keep their lead as the second game went on, battling back and forth rally after rally. They fought hard for each point, but the score remained close with the Bearcats trailing behind. After losing the set 22-25, the Bearcats head into the next game determined to fight for every point. With the score tied at 19-19 after several hard-fought rallies, senior Zar Fuentes #3 made a diving play in an attempt to save the ball. The varsity cheer team led the stands in a cheer as the Bearcats rallied after a timeout. The Bearcats battled for every point but lost the set 23-25 by two points.
The Bearcats battled hard in the next set, with some great saves at the net by senior Jacey Loewen #24 and junior Ashlyn Daugherty #4 and kills by junior Kylie Stroud #5, senior Jacey Loewen #24 and senior Jenna Tatman #13. With the game nearing its end the Bearcats were a few points behind the Lions as the coach called a timeout. Play resumed as senior Destiny Valenzuela made several saves and the Bearcats rallied. The determination and fighting spirit of the Bearcats was not enough to win the set however, and they lost 21-25. This marked the end of the Bearcats’ first CIF game with a loss of 1-3, meaning the Bearcats will not continue in CIF this year.

Photos taken by Brooklynn Healy