The Paso Robles Stunt team dominated SLO and Arroyo Grande high school in a landslide win.
As the weather warmed up outside of the Gil Asa Gym on Thursday 14, the stunt participants inside warmed up for their game against San Luis Obispo and Arroyo Grande. The first game started at 4 p.m. with Paso vs. SLO and after competing hard, the bearcats took the win in a landslide score of 17-4. The next game, with Paso vs. AG, resulted in another win for the Paso Robles Bearcats with a score of 16-4.
“I think we did really good but we always have room to improve in our skills and our technique to get ready for state,”said Junior Kassadie Cape, who has been in stunt for 3 years.
The Paso Robles Bearcats are first in league for stunt and continue to hold that title.
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