Students from five different high schools come together to interview for their chance at a job
Through the clatter of heels, the adjustment of ties, and slightly too tight blazers, the Just 1 Job Fair took place in the Gil Asa Gym on Thursday the 7th of March. With 255 students from Liberty, Templeton, Shandon, and Paso High Schools and 41 businesses the students sit in groups of four to seven kids being interviewed collectively while the interviewers talked about the job and even did demonstrations.
Places such as The Ravine, U.S. Army recruiters, and even Atascadero State Hospital offer a variety of options between internships, interview practice, jobs, or just summer jobs for whatever job a student may be interested in. Students flash their smiles, adjust their posture, and shake hands hoping for the opportunity to work alongside some of the very people speaking to them about what they do and where they work. Every 20 minutes the students would say goodbye and move to another fold-out table where the process would start over again.
“I think it affects the students at PRHS because it gives us the opportunity to practice interviews correctly for the future. also gives us the chance to get a job in a less nerve-racking experience,” senior Brianna Kilcrease said.
For seniors who have college looming over their heads are trying to cram money into their bank accounts the job fair comes to PRHS at a very appropriate time. Others consider summer jobs, military, or just plain interviewing experience to plan for the future and possibly bulk up resumes.
“A benefit of the job fair for me was the chance to see how a future interview would go and get feedback,” Kilcrease said.
Different tactics can be seen around the room for looking more professional whether it comes to the outfit or sitting up straight, but either way the need to step out of the teenage persona students embody everyday was very present throughout the gym.