The deadline to sign up for summer classes through Paso Robles High School is April 22. PRHS classes run from June 10 to July 22. Two sessions are offered; session one from eight am to 11am and session two from 11:20 am to 2:20 pm. Credit recovery classes are offered for all four years of english, social studies, geometry and algebra. Students looking for original credit classes can take modern world history, biology, algebra one, geometry, U.S. history, and drivers education. Forms are available here and need to be turned into the counseling office.
The Cuesta summer school deadline is May 16 and term dates for Cuesta’s summer school are June 13 to Aug. 5. The most popular classes at Cuesta are U.S. History and Spanish. Before enrolling, one has to create a CCCA account; do that here. Also, they will no longer be offering modern world history.