Replacing the year’s canceled County Writing Contest
PRHS writing club, Bearcat Muse, is holding a creative writing contest called the Write-a-Thon. All entries are due March 18 to room 1012, by 3:15 p.m. Writers can apply up to five of their works to any of three categories: poetry, with a maximum of 1500 words,fiction, or creative non-fiction, with a maximum of 2000 words each. Signed entry forms must be attached to every single submitted piece. Awards go out by grade level, since staff is allowed to enter as well, they will receive their own staff awards, but the awards have yet to be decided.
Bearcat muse decided to host their own competition after they caught wind that the county writing contest was canceled. They have patterned it after the contest, with slight changes. The most major difference between the two is the opportunity for feedback from the judges.
“Creativity is good for the soul! The Bearcat Muse students hope to take all the entries from this contest and publish an anthology to be available to all students and staff at year end,” said English teacher and Bearcat Muse Advisor Cindi Schrodeder, who encourages every writer to give the contest a go. “So many talented writers don’t enter competitions because they don’t feel their work is finished or good enough. Writing is a process. A written work can always evolve and be revised, but the moment it is submitted, it is a work of art.”
Entry forms are available in room 1012 or from your English teacher. The contest is being advised by English teacher Cindi Schrodeder; contact her for further information. Awards will be announced in early May.